Kyunghee Koh Lab
at Thomas Jefferson University
Selected Publications
Akpoghiran O, Strich AK, Koh K. (2025) Effects of sex, mating status, and genetic background on circadian behavior in Drosophila. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Inami S, Koh K. (2024) Sleep induced by mechanosensory stimulation provides cognitive and health benefits in Drosophila. Sleep.
Akpoghiran O, Afonso DJS, Zhang Y, Koh K. (2024) TARANIS interacts with VRILLE and PDP1 to modulate the circadian transcriptional feedback mechanism in Drosophila. Journal of Neuroscience.
Duhart JM, Buchler JR, Inami S, Kennedy K, Jenny BP, Afonso DJS, Koh K. (2023) Modulation and neural correlates of female postmating sleep loss in Drosophila. Current Biology.
Inami S., Afonso DJS, Koh K. (2023) Sleep problems in old age: metabotropic glutamate receptor to the rescue. Sleep.
Duhart JM, Inami S, Koh K. Many faces of sleep regulation: beyond the time of day and prior wake time. (2023) FEBS Journal.
Öztürk-Çolak A, Inami S, Buchler JR, McClanahan P, Cruz A, Fang-Yen C, Koh K. (2020). Sleep induction by mechanosensory stimulation. Cell Reports. 33:108462.
Duhart JM, Baccini V, Zhang Y, Machado DR, Koh K. (2020). Modulation of sleep-courtship balance by nutritional status in Drosophila. eLife. 9:e60853
Lamaze A, Jepson JEC, Akpoghiran O, Koh K. (2020). Antagonistic regulation of circadian output and synaptic development by the E3 Ubiquitin ligase JETLAG and the DYSCHRONIC-SLOWPOKE complex. iScience. S2589-0042(20)30028-6.
Machado DR, Afonso DJS, Kenny AR, Öztürk-Çolak A, Moscato EH, Mainwaring B, Kayser MS, Koh K. (2017). Identification of octopaminergic neurons that modulate sleep suppression by male sex drive. eLife. 6:e23130.
Lamaze A, Ozturk-Colak A, Fischer R, Peschel N, Koh K, Jepson JEC. (2017). Regulation of sleep plasticity by a thermo-sensitive circuit in Drosophila. Scientific Reports. 7:40434.
Afonso DJS, Machado DR, Koh K. (2016). Control of sleep by a network of cell cycle genes. Fly. 9: 165-172.
Afonso DJS, Liu D, Machado DR, Pan H, Jepson JEC, Rogulja D, Koh K. (2015). TARANIS functions with Cyclin A and Cdk1 in a novel arousal center to control sleep in Drosophila. Current Biology. 25:1717-26. [Highlighted in the Editors' Choice section of Science Signaling.]
Chen WF, Maguire S, Sowcik M, Luo W, Koh K, Sehgal A. (2015). A neuron-glia interaction involving GABA transaminase contributes to sleep loss in sleepless mutants. Molecular Psychiatry. 20:240-51.
Jepson JEC, Shahidullah M, Liu D, le Marchand S, Liu S, Wu MN, Levitan IB, Dalva MB, Koh K. (2014). Regulation of synaptic development and function by the Drosophila PDZ protein DYSCHRONIC. Development. 141:4548-57.
Liu S, Lamaze A, Liu Q, Tabuchi M, Yang Y, Fowler M, Bharadwaj R, Zhang J, Bedont J, Blackshaw S, Lloyd TE, Montell C, Sehgal A, Koh K*, Wu MN*. (2014). WIDE AWAKE mediates the circadian timing of sleep onset. Neuron. 82: 151-66. *Co-corresponding authors.
Jepson J, Sheldon A, Shahidullah M, Fei H, Koh K, Levitan IB. (2013). Cell-specific fine-tuning of neuronal excitability by differential expression of modulator protein isoforms. Journal of Neuroscience. 33:16767-77.
Joiner WJ, Friedman EB, Hung H-T, Koh K, Sowcik M, Sehgal A, Kelz MB. (2013). Genetic and anatomical basis of the barrier separating wakefulness and anesthetic-induced unresponsiveness. PLoS Genetics. 9(9):e1003605.
Jepson JEC, Shahiddullah M, Lamaze A, Peterson D, Pan H, Koh K. (2012). dyschronic, a Drosophila homolog of a deaf-blindness gene, regulates circadian output and Slowpoke channels. PLoS Genetics. 8(4):e1002671.
Hara T*, Koh K*, Combs, DJ, Sehgal A. (2011). Post-translational regulation and nuclear entry of TIMELESS and PERIOD are affected in new timeless mutant. Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 9982-90. *Equal contribution.
Wu MN, Joiner WJ, Dean T, Yue Z, Smith CJ, Chen D, Hoshi T, Sehgal A, Koh K. (2010). SLEEPLESS, a Ly-6/neurotoxin family member, regulates levels, localization, and activity of Shaker. Nature Neuroscience. 13: 69-75. [Evaluated by Faculty of 1000.]
Zheng X*, Koh K*, Sowcik M, Smith CJ, Chen D, Wu MN, Sehgal A. (2009). An isoform-specific mutant reveals a role of PDP1 in the circadian oscillator. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 10920-10927. *Equal contribution. [Featured in “This Week in the Journal” in J. Neurosci.]
Wu MN, Ho K, Crocker A, Yue Z, Koh K, Sehgal A. (2009). The effects of caffeine on sleep in Drosophila require PKA activity, but not the adenosine receptor. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 11029-11037.
Knowles A, Koh K, Wu JT, Chien CT, Chamovitz DA, Blau J. (2009). The COP9 signalosome is required for light-dependent timeless degradation and Drosophila clock resetting. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 1152-1162.
Koh K*, Joiner WJ*, Wu MN*, Yue Z, Smith CJ, Sehgal A. (2008). Identification of SLEEPLESS, a novel sleep promoting factor. Science, 321, 372-376. *Equal contribution. [Featured in Science, 2008, 334-337; Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2008, 785; and Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2008, 658.]
Wu MN, Koh K, Yue Z, Joiner WJ, Sehgal A. (2008). A genetic screen for sleep and circadian mutants reveals mechanisms underlying regulation of sleep in Drosophila. Sleep, 31, 465-472.
Koh K, Evans JM, Hendricks JC, Sehgal A. (2006). A Drosophila model for age-associated changes in sleep:wake cycles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 103, 13843-13847. [Comment by C. Cirelli, PNAS, 2006: 13901-2; Featured in “This Week in PNAS”.]
Koh K, Zheng X, Sehgal A. (2006). JETLAG resets the Drosophila circadian clock by promoting light-induced degradation of TIMELESS. Science. 312, 1809-1812. [Comment by R.N. Van Gelder, PNAS, 2006:17583-4. Evaluated by Faculty of 1000.]
Koh K, Bernstein Y, Sundaram MV. (2004) The nT1 translocation separates vulval regulatory elements from the egl-18 and elt-6 GATA factor genes. Developmental Biology. 267, 252-263.
Koh K, Peyrot SM, Wood CG, Wagmaister JA, Maduro MF, Eisenmann DM, Rothman JH. (2002). Cell fates and fusion in the C. elegans vulval primordium are regulated by the EGL-18 and ELT-6 GATA factors -- apparent direct targets of the LIN-39 Hox protein. Development. 129, 5171-5180.
Koh K, Rothman JH. (2001*). ELT-5 and ELT-6 are required continuously to regulate epidermal seam cell differentiation and cell fusion in C. elegans. Development. 128, 2867-2880. [Evaluated by Faculty of 1000.]